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continuing care



After the immersion experience is over, Elysian provides a way to continue tips, techniques, and the connection with nature to create lasting changes. The continuing care portion is a web or app component that users are able to utilize at home or on the go.

Participants sign up and are presented with activities and simple things that you can do in the outdoors around your area. This is paired with content that we have curated for you to use no matter where you are. Doing these simple checklist items can do wonders for your mental health to keep the momentum from your immersion experience going and going.

How It Works

Fill out some basic info about yourself

Enter your address

Select activities from a list that has been automatically populated for you based on your information and location.

Add as many activities as you want from our list, these will be added randomly to your care to add more variation to your daily checklist, which also has some supporting content that can be accessed no matter where you are.

Access your content dashboard, which is updated daily

Download the app to access your care on the go


You might be wondering how it works. We create a dashboard for you, this will connect you to people on your immersion as well as to our certified therapists to be able to chat as needed in a group or individually. We provide you some everyday checklist items because we know that research has shown how big of an impact eating right,exercising, getting enough sleep and getting just a little bit of sunshine can have on your mental health. We pair that with a daily inspiration post from us, daily challenges (which include some of the local elements specifically for you) and daily questions for you to participate in.

We also provide resources for guided meditations as well as other work out videos as part of your daily checklist as well. These things may seem simple, but when you get swept up in life again it is hard to stay balanced. If you aren't able to get to everything, that is ok too! We just want you to remember to get outside and treat your body right. Having this app is a daily reminder and incentive to keep at it with your fellow immersion participants and your personal therapist to hold you accountable because we know how hard it can be otherwise!



Check out this sample dashboard we created to give you a better idea of what we mean.

elysian dashboard
elysian dashboard


Participants should only sign up for this after your immersion experience has taken place. The continuing care program works best as a piggy back component to the immersion experience where we really work into what we need to and begin self-transformation through wilderness, adventure, and a cultural immersion.

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