Web Design
UX Design
Case Study

This is not just a school in Bali, Indonesia. It is a wonderful free school for children and young adults with mental and physical disabilities, ranging from mild to severe. This school provides a program to achieve basic self-help (such as hygiene and food preparation), to develop an awareness of their bodies and health through yoga and sports, communication and social skills though art, exercise, and sharing, to develop basic reading, writing, and math, to develop fine motor skills through play and social activities, to develop environmental awareness through gardening, recycling, and care of the environment.

This is an existing school with an existing website, I redesigned the logo and created new branding guidelines. My original intention was to use this as my AAU final thesis project and that the school might be able to actually utilize the updated content since I knew someone who was involved with the school and charity. However, the final project was never implemented as technology is behind in Bali, Indonesia. I did the initial research, competitive analysis and wireframes to be able to update the school’s website to be user friendly and engage the user to become involved with the school whether it was through purchasing an item or making a donation to the school. I was able to mock-up a coded version of the website during my Mobile Technology class in spring 2016 Mobile Technology class where we learned how to design mobile first using an initlizr template as our foundation.


My target audience would include those people who simply to send a one-time donation, the people who want to sponsor a student by donating each month, or the people who want to donate their time by volunteering. The website will benefit the target audience by creating a user-friendly platform that makes it easier to get involved for the cause. Getting more people involved with donating and volunteering will be the main benefit for my secondary target audience, who are the teachers and students of the Sari Hati School.


By creating a new and interactive platform for the Sari Hati School it can increase awareness as well as increase donations. I think this project would help serve my career by creating a well-designed brand that is recognizable for them to increase awareness. It could also turn into a real-world project, which would also be beneficial to my career. It would be user-friendly and increase user-interaction on the website as well as create an art based project to sell for the non-profit. I think my current design skills and experience could really help to revamp the brand. I think with a little more time and patience I could create a website and a brand that they could be really proud of.


So just from testing with a few people there were just a few things that were the same for all of them. The hamburger menu doesn’t work, which I didn’t realize I even had a hamburger menu since the navigation just wraps. I began by asking how the user can get involved and realized that it wasn’t obvious what to do when asked that question. On your phone the fun icons are so big so there is nothing to draw you into what they are about. The ‘How to Get Involved’ section is too far down as well because of how big the icons are. It seems like too long to scroll. The donate button at the is misleading because it was the first thing the users wanted to click when I asked the question, but I don’t have that button linked to a page yet.

The next task I asked of the user was to purchase some merchandise. This ‘add to cart’ feature wasn’t working, which I knew already and have now updated. The user also had to scroll a little left to right, which also needed to be fixed.

For the next task I asked the user to find out more about the students and the program. This task was easy for the users. I still felt like the teachers photos at the bottom were quite large and could be reduced in order to reduce the amount of scrolling the user needs to do.